Cybertron Ads

Transforming Advertising. One Impression at a time...

Advanced Targeting

Advanced Targeting

Reach users in selected countries, regions, cities hours, days, period, operating system etc.

Detailed statistics

Detailed Statistics

Every user receives our advanced statistic and detailed traffic reports for free.

Fair Value

Fair Value

Both advertisers and publishers receive the best value. It's our promise and it's always going to be delivered.


Create Advertising campaigns the have Reach, Targeting and Efficiency

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For advertisers, the platform is tailor made and suited to serving you in the best way possible. Stats are offered in simplified or details options helping you to stay in touch with your performance regardless of your technical expertise and lots more.


Monetize your traffic to the best of it's ability

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Publishers and traffic owners have the opportunity of making competitively the best revenue avaialble for their traffic in the simplest means. Integration is offered as simple as IMG tags. Also payments are made promptly and securely. Our platform also provides an ad-hoc analytical tool to enable you assess the traffic of your site and see how well parts are performing. Come on in.